S.No | Criterion | Particulars | Format |
1 | 1.1.1 | Effective Curriculum Delivery | |
2 | 1.1.2 | Acaademic Calender | |
3 | 1.4.1 | Feedback Forms (Available in the web site) | |
4 | 2.2.1 | Special Programmes for Slow and Advanced Learners | |
5 | 2.3.1 | Student Centric Methods -Experimental Learning | |
6 | 2.3.2 | ICT Tools | |
7 | 2.5.1 | Mechanism of Internal Assesmnet | |
8 | 2.5.2 | Internal Assesment Grievances | |
9 | 2.6.2 | Attainment of PO and CO | |
10 | 3.2.1 | Ecosystem for Innovation | |
11 | 4.1.1 | Infrastructure Facility | |
12 | 4.1.2 | Sports, Cultural, Yoga, Indoor and GymFacilities | |
13 | 4.1.3 | No oF class rooms with ICT | |
14 | 4.3.1 | Institution frequntly updates IT facilities including Wi-Fi | |
15 | 5.3.2 | Student Representation in various administartive and other bodies | |
16 | 6.1.2 | Effective leadership- Decentralisation | |
17 | 6.2.1 | Institutions strategic plan | |
18 | 6.2.2 | Adminsitrative set up Service rules appoinment | |
19 | Organogram of the institution | ||
20 | 6.3.1 | Welfare measures for teaching and Non Teaching Staff | |
21 | 6.3.5 | Institutions Performance apprasial System | |
22 | 6.4.1 | Internal ānd External Financial Audits | |
23 | 6.4.3 | Institutional Stratagey for Mobilisation of funds | |
24 | 6.5.2 | Teaching Learning Process Review by IQAC | |
25 | 6.5.3 | Quality Assurance Inititatives, Participationin NIRF, AISHE etc | |
27 | 7.1.1 | Gener Equity ActionPlan | |
28 | | Specific facilities provided for women in terms of:a. Safety and security | |
29 | 7.1.9 | Sensitization of students and employees - constitutional obligations | |
30 | | Other relevant information | |
31 | AQAR 21-22 |