The Department of Chemistry is an affiliated course under Bhrathiar University and follows CBCS pattern since 2005. It was started a PUC course and was consequently upgraded as a B.Sc Chemistry Course in 1980. Today it is a full-fledged department with B.Sc (TM/EM) each having 24 seats, M.Sc (EM) with 16 seats and Research Courses M.Phil (8FT+4PT) seats and Ph.D (7FT+4PT) seats. The department also offers allied chemistry course for the needs of nearly 100 students of other major departments, Zoology, Physics and Mathematics. All the 200 major chemistry students for each academic year are fully supported by the Government of Tamilnadu under various scholarship schemes. The department serves in the higher education needs of economically and socially backward students from villages in and around Tirupur and the far reaches of whole of Tamilnadu. The state reservation policy is strictly complied with in the admission of students.
The department has sufficiently equipped three labs separately for UG, PG and Allied courses. It also has research laboratory with all the necessary facilities to carry out basic research. The students exposed to the latest in the academic field, instrumentation as well as the industrial developments through various guest lectures, participations in seminars and conferences and industrial visits which are undertaken regularly.
The staff members of the department are highly qualified with varied experience in fields like organic, inorganic, physical, organometalic, nano and polymer science. As exemplified the department secures university ranks regularly.
As a whole the department has very good academic ambience. The college has also very good alumni base with students well placed in various institutions and firms.
The Department serve in the broadest, innovative and most liberal manner towards the advancement of Chemistry through academics, research, and service missions upholding the values and entrepreneurial skills.
B.Sc., Chemistry (Full Time - Tamil Medium and English Medium)
M.Sc., Chemistry (Full Time – English Medium)
M. Phil., (Full Time/Part Time)
Ph.D., (Full Time/Part Time)