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About the Department

The Department of Physics is one of the oldest Departments in the College and it began offering Physics as a Major at the Undergraduate level from 1984 onwards, thanks to Education Minister’s support and Concurrence obtained from the Tamilnadu Legislative Assembly. Prior to that the college offered only Pre University Physics. Ever since, the Department has grown and expanded with the times both vertically and horizontally and can now boast of as the only Department in and around Tiruppur district which offers Physics Major at the UG, PG and Research levels in and around the district of Tiruppur. The M.Sc. Physics course began in 2004 and is a much sought after course in the college with an intake of 30 students. This makes the Department one of the largest offering Physics by any college affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Students are encouraged to visit research institutes of their choice during the last semester and submit a Project Dissertation at the end of the course in a specialized subject of their own choice. Further the average passing out result at the PG level in the Department is around 90-95%. Part-time and Full-time M.Phil. and Ph.D. Courses commenced in the Department from 2011 and 2016 onwards respectively and ever since there has been tremendous excitement and support for quality research in Physics from both the student and teaching communities alike for these prestigious courses offered by the Department. The research specializations offered are

  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Computational Condensed Matter Physics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Thin Films
  • Ferroelectrics
  • Non Linear Optics and Photonics
  • Crystal Growth
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Econophysics -(Interdisciplinary- Physics & Economics)
  • Presently there are 9 full time staff members and two non-teaching laboratory staff. Six staff members are Ph.D. holders and are actively engaged in research. Three other members are in their final stages of Ph.D. Research. Inter-disciplinary research is also actively pursued and encouraged in the Department. Staff members are also invited as Board Members/subject experts/resource persons in various topics in Physics to conduct workshops and organize seminars in various colleges affiliated to Bharathiar University regularly and they contribute quality teaching-learning resources in the areas of Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Thin Films, Nanotechnology, Photonics, Atmospheric Physics, etc. The Department can boast of three well established laboratories with necessary equipment’s and instruments and a separate Computational Physics lab with latest systems numbering nearly 28, 5 printers, latest software like MATLAB, COMSOL, MATHCAD etc. and a high speed 10 mbps exclusive internet leased line connection with Wi-Fi connectivity (A rarity in a Government Institution). Till date, grants received from various State and Central Government agencies are to the tune of around 80 Lakhs which has been fruitfully spent on upgrading the existing facilities in the labs as well as procurement of instruments. The Department possesses nearly 2500 exclusive Physics books in the Department library. In addition, around 2800 book titles are catalogued and available in digital e-book format for the benefit of students.

    In addition, a well-furnished state of art Air Conditioned lecture hall with necessary inbuilt audio-visual aids, LCD projectors and sufficient seating arrangements exists under the control of the Physics Department. This facility is regularly utilized by all Departments of the College for organizing Invited Lectures and Seminars.

    Four Major Research Projects have been sanctioned to the Department of Physics, out of which three projects have been completed successfully, and one more project is presently ongoing. The projects are funded by Surface Acoustic Wave Division, Solid State Physics Laboratory-DRDO, Delhi (Rs. 46.52 Lakhs), University Grants Commission, New Delhi (Rs. 11.90 Lakhs) and DST-SERB, Hyderabad under YSS project (Rs. 20 Lakhs).

    Presently, 14 research scholars are pursuing M.Phil. Course and 15 research scholars are pursuing Ph.D. Course.

    More than 65 high quality research articles have been published by the Department Staff members in reputed International and National Journals since research courses started and active links to these papers can be found on their respective profiles. Staff and students alike are encouraged to actively participate in national and international conferences and report and present their research findings. Nearly 100% of UG students receive financial aid from the Government to pursue their courses in the form of Scholarships and 92-96% students at the PG level receive Scholarships for higher studies.


  • B.Sc., Physics
  • M.Sc., Physics
  • M.Phil., Physics (Part time and Full time)
  • P.hD., Physics (Part time and Full time)

Department of Physics – Courses

S.No Course Number Of Seats Medium
1 B.Sc Phy 24 TM
2 M.Sc Phy 30 EM
3 M.Phil (PT & FT) 20 EM
4 Ph.D (PT & FT) 22 EM


Name Qualification Designation E-Mail ID Specialization Action
Dr. S.ARAVINDAN M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Head & Associate Professor Nano Bio-materials and Nanocomposites ViewDetails
Dr. V. SENTHILKUMAR M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Condensed Matter Physics/ Nano Science/ Soil/ Remote Sensing ViewDetails
Dr.  P. PEULA KUMARI M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D. Associate Professor Solar cell Materials and Nano Materials ViewDetails
Dr.  V.A. VIJAYAGEETHA M.Sc., M.Phil., B. Ed., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Material Science, Nanotechnology,
Spectroscopy, Electronics, Condensed Matter Physics.
Dr. J. WILLIAM CHARLES M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Nano Optics and Spectroscopy ViewDetails
Dr.  K.B. RAJESH M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Professor Nano Optics, Computational Optics, Singular Optics (Optical Vortex), High Numerical Aperture Focusing, Polarization Engineering. Photonics, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). ViewDetails
Dr. V. SENTHILNATHAN M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Thinfilm and Nanotechnology ViewDetails
Dr. R. SAKTHI SUDAR SARAVANAN M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D Assistant Professor ; Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Crystal Growth ViewDetails
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Thinfilms ViewDetails
M.Sc., M.Phil.,  Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Thinfilms and Nanotechnology ViewDetails

Dr.N.Balasubramanian M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D

Head & Assistant Professor

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 9842015140

Dr.R.Indirani M.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 9976664754

Dr.M.P.Kandasamy M.A.,M.Phil.,M.Ed.,Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 9788796550

Mr R.Sengamuthu M.A

Assistant Professor

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 9655556838

S.Kumar M.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,

Assistant Professor

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 8778340745

Dr, P Karunakaran

Guest Lecturer

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 8778340745

Dr, R.Maheswari

Guest Lecturer

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 9843272225

Dr, A.K.Ponmari

Guest Lecturer

Mail Id: ponmari.tamil@gmail. com

Contact No: +91 9626020226

K.Sahaya Rani

Guest Lecturer

Mail Id:

Contact No: +91 9789518849

Physics Department Images